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How it works

Once you have signed up as an affiliate you will receive an email asking you to confirm the account you just created.

Once your account is confirmed, you can go to the Banner area and download the banner of your choice. Instructions are available on how to do this if required. Then add the code supplied to your webpage.

Now, when a visitor joins our site with your affiliate code appended to the Url (e.g. www.qads.net/php/click.cgi?id=YOURID), their browser will store a cookie that is valid for 1 year. At anytime within this period that the visitor decides to take advantage of all benefits we have to offer and join by convenient credit card or online check, you will receive the credit for the sale.

You will be paid at a rate of 50% of the full membership amount which is presently $9.95 per month. You will continue to receive this amount as long as the member remains a Premium (paid) member. You will also be credited for our one-time purchase options ($49.95 for a 6 month subscription and $79.95 for a 1 year subscription) too!

As you can see, this is just like owning your own personals site... but without all the overhead expenses! The more members you sign up, the more your checks will be, month after month!

But that's not all...

You can also promote this money-making opportunity to other webmasters using your same Affiliate ID (e.g. www.qads.net/php/affclick.cgi?id=YOURID) and you will receive 5% of each and every one of their sales! And yes, this is paid recurring too!

You can easily create your own sales team and take advantage of an unlimited sales team generating an unlimited revenue stream!

Don't wait, start earning today! Click here to Join Now!